Worldwide, 2 billion people rely on health-risky sources of drinking water. This water is contaminated with chemical and biological agents, causing the deaths of nearly 2 million people annually (source World Health Organization – WHO). To survive, so many of these people have to spend a large part of the day going to the water source, forgoing schooling and work, with obvious social repercussions.
The Seregno AID Lions Club supports organizations and projects committed to ensuring safe and close access to water for drinking or agricultural use. Funds to support these projects are raised through the generosity of participants and sponsors of the World Water Day Photo Contest.
The Club periodically publishes a call for entries on this website to identify the organization, which is internationally recognized, and the project to be supported, evaluated according to the merit criteria published with the call for entries and chosen because it is first in line.
In favor of the chosen project, funds are disbursed to cover 50% of the expenses, in a way that supports and at the same time empowers the beneficiary, guaranteeing the success and long life of the water access work, consistent with the techniques suggested by the expertise of Lions Water for Life ETS.
Since the beginning of this operation, the Seregno AID Lions Club has supported the projects, now in place or already completed, summarized below on this page.
2022-2023 PROJECT – Sierra Leone
Drops of Hope for Shanghai Compound – Source of Hope Foundation Onlus
After years of civil war, villagers in Sierra Leone confront the most basic and basic needs for survival every day.
In the Kabala city suburb known as Shanghai Compound, ensuring a safe and nearby well is the first step toward health security and social reconstruction of the village. The role of women is crucial, as the repositories of health and food knowledge for their families. Therefore, they are trained to be “water and health guardians.”

2021-2022 PROJECT – Burkina Faso
Koom la Viim – A.CROSS Onlus
The village of Beoog Tienbo, on the northern outskirts of the capital city of Ouagadogou, takes in young street girls, rescuing them from a life of degradation and giving them dignity through teaching them the agricultural profession.
Water, extracted from a deep well capable of ensuring flow, irrigates the field cultivated with various plant species, applying sustainable techniques. The products of the land supplement the nutrition of the village’s kindergarten children. The girls are trained in agronomy in theory and practice, and then independently enter the profession.
After the first experience in 2021 with over 30 girls completing the training, one of them settled permanently and a new training cycle began in 2023.