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Francesca Morosini

Visual content specialist, photo-editor, photo-journalism and podcasting How much water do we consume? According to the global average water footprint, a standard cup of coffee (125 ml) requires 140 liters of water.

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Roberto Ridi

International landscape and nature photographer “The sea is what water means to me, a magnificent liquid, the sky’s mirror. I live on an island, embraced by this immense element, changing, unstoppable, capable of instilling serenity but commanding respect, both gentle and mighty. From the transparency of the surface to its dark depths, it is like […]

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GMB Akash

Born in Bangladsh He grew up in a home far removed from my profession. Throughout His childhood he did not have access to photographers, their work, or even a camera. Photography did not exist for him in theory or in practice. Then a decade later, he found his father’s old camera and his life took […]

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Mohamed Keita

Photographer and Photography lecturer. Collaborator of two schools of photography for children in the suburbs of Bamako, Mali, and of Nairobi in Kenya. Educator to Civic Zero Center There are three things in nature that make human beings live, and among these three things, there is water. Without it, people don’t have much hope of […]

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Angelo Ferrillo

Photographer – Photoeditor – Curator – Art Director Teacher One day we will really realize how important it was to study from an early age that we are made of 60% water. That day we will probably understand how stupid we were to underestimate the importance of that teaching.

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Marco Beretta

Marco is a photoreporter, travels in Asia with inseparable Hasselblad. Buddhist monks images, their symbols, sacred places & moments of prayer are the subjects of his projects The quality of the water changes everything. And what I used is a snow collected five years ago on plum blossoms, when I was in the temple of […]