Paolo Troilo
The hyperrealist artist who paints with fingers.
Art director
“We would all love to be suspended in a transparent world, to move with grace when it's not required, and most importantly, because it's not required. Water doesn't demand respect; it leaves us free to decide, and that deserves respect.”

Roberto Ridi
Elba Island - Italy
International landscape and nature photographer
“The sea is what water means to me, a magnificent liquid, the sky's mirror. I live on an island, embraced by this immense element, changing, unstoppable, capable of instilling serenity but commanding respect, both gentle and mighty. From the transparency of the surface to its dark depths, it is like the human soul.”

Simone Bramante
Nato a Siracusa cresciuto a Finale Emilia lavora in sei continenti
Laureato in lettere
Ha iniziato verso la fine degli anni ’90 scattare con una Canon 3000 a pellicola, influenzato dal fascino del bianco e nero, dall’amore per la grana e dai film Ilford. È un Digital Creative Director, un fotografo, e prima di tutto uno Storyteller.
Come direttore creativo è un’avanguardia nel mondo della pubblicità: Ford Usa, DiSaronno, Ducati, Volvo, Absolut, Maserati, Samsung, Unicredit, Hotel Marriot.
Uno dei primi italiani ad entrare nelle grazie del team di Instagram che spesso ha pubblicato le sue foto nello stream dell’account ufficiale e ad essere tra gli utenti suggeriti. Ad oggi, su Instagram @brahmino ha oltre 880mila follower.
Un nuovo giorno, una nuova chance per essere ispirati dalla natura per costruire qualcosa di buono per il nostro mondo

Interdisciplinary artist
Founder of the Sicilian Photo Festival
Artistic Director
Water is a moment of suspension, a suspension between ancestral dualisms, light and darkness, visible and invisible, in the flow of this eternal movement that is life

Born in Rome
Francesca Pompei, graduated with praise in Philosophy, is a photographer focused on arts and architectural images and she is a member of the board of Italian Association of Professional Photographers-TAU Visual. Her photos have been featured in national and international exhibitions such as Art Basel Miami Beach 2012, the Armory Show 2013 in New York, AAF-Affordable Art Fair New York City 2014, Select Fair, Frieze Art Fair New York 2014, FOTOGRAFIA-Festival Internazionale Roma 2014, Art Fair Tokyo 2015, KIAFKorean International Art Fair 2015 Seoul, Oltre le Mura di Roma 2016- MACRO Rome, Laguna Art Prize Venice 2016, Oltre i libri 2016, Angelica Library Rome, AAF-Affordable Art Fair New York City 2016, Celeste Prize 2016 Bargehouse, Oxo Tower Wharf, London, Aqua Art Miami 2016-Art Basel Miami Beach 2016, Art Fair Tokyo 2017, Art Busan 2017 and appeared on screen show at the Saatchi Gallery, London. Her works feature also on LensCulture, blink, Art+Commerce Agency- PhotoVogue Collection New York and are part of the of the Fondo Malerba per la Fotografia, Milan. In July 2016 her works were among the top-rated entries in the Magnum Photography Awards 2016.
Since June 2013 she is a photographer of PhotoVogue and she is represented by the Galerie Bruno Massa in Paris.
She is also online on Saatchi Art, iStock by Getty Images, ArtPrice.com, Artand, Artsper,
Artbco, LensCulture, ART UpCLOSE and One Eyeland.
Acqua delle risacche sulle vecchie orme, sulle vecchie tracce, sulle vecchie cose, acqua delle risacche che dalle stelle s'apre come una rosa immensa,acqua che va avanza sulle spiagge come una mano ardita sotto una veste (....) - Pablo Neruda

Born in Seregno
Carlo Silva, , is responsible for the online photo archive of the Directorate General Agriculture of the Lombardy Region, where are cataloged about 6000 photos of the regional rural landscape, agri-food products, animals and farmers.
He has received several awards in national and international competitions including, as the only Italian, the third prize in the category “The edible garden” at the 3rd Photographic Competition “International Garden Photographer of the Year” by The Royal Photographic Society Royal Botanic Gardens in London.
His pictures have been exhibited in several personal and collective exhibitions including Barcelona, London, Lausanne, Milan, Como, Rome, Madrid.
In 2011 he realized the photo campaign “The Young Face of Lombard Agriculture”, portraits of young Lombard farmers in the communication campaign to citizens “Agriculture Changes to Your Life.” Portraits were exhibited in the Museum of Science and Technology “Leonardo da Vinci” in Milan..
Water transparency reflects the integrity of the world

Born in Cagliari
Myriam Meloni is a french-italian photographer currently based in Barcelona, Spain. Originally trained as a lawyer at the University of Bologna, and specialized in criminology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, she approaches to photography completing the three-years-course in Photographic Institute of Catalonia. After moving to Argentina, she specializes in documentary photography and she start to collaborate with national newspapers and international NGOs.
She has been focusing her work on socials contemporary issues, with a very intimate approach, using everyday life of our society to discuss more general’s thematics. Her first documentary work “Fragile”, on crack abuse among adolescents in Argentina, has been recognized as cultural patrimony of the Argentinian Republic.
Since then, she was candidate for the Joop Swart Masterclass in the World Press Photo and was nominated for the Prix Pictet. Her work received several international grants: the Sony award in Arts & Culture, the Picture of the Year Latin America, the Firecracker grant for European women photographers, and the FINI grant for international Photography in Mexico.
Her work has been featured in numerous publications, and exhibited internationally. She is represented by the French agency Picturetank and collaborator for the International New York Times..
El agua es mujer. Mujer de seda, mujer de espejos,mujer de encajes.Mujer resbaladiza,mujer atrapadora,mujer que juega.Mujer hielo,mujer brasa,mujer que tonifica el amor.Mujer que purifica,que limpia,que blanquea.Mujer hierba que soba,mujer medicina que cura,mujer hechicera que envuelve.Mujer quieta,mujer violenta,mujer que refresca.Mujer quecalma la sed,mujer que apaga el fuego,mujer que refresca el alma.Mujer que baña al recién nacido,mujer que baña al cadáver,mujer que baña el rostro del mundo.Mujer compañera del viento,mujer cómplice de las nubes,fuego sagrado.Agua-mujer, sensualidad y arte mujer cumpanera del vientomujer complice de las nubesmujer amante fuego sagradoAgua – mujer sensualidad y arte --- The ancient word, contemporary Mexican indigenous poets